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Global electricity demand grows

Global electricity demand growth is set to resume in 2010 following the temporary fall in demand in 2009.

Analyst Frost & Sullivan says electricity demand is set to “increase consistently throughout the decade, driven principally by rising livings standards in the developing world.”

"There is a great deal of uncertainty in the market at the moment. Aside from across the board investment in renewables, investment is increasingly becoming very country specific, with some countries staying loyal to coal and others seeking to build new nuclear," says Senior Consultant, Jonathan Robinson.

"For nuclear, the next few years will be crucial in determining whether a number of projects progress or the nuclear renaissance turns into a false dawn."

Renewable energy benefits

"The high demand for energy and energy products combined with a degree of political correctness, continue to push most countries and utilities in short-to-medium-term mode where investments are made in biofuels, wind, and even coal rather than gas and nuclear," says Consultant Enguerran Ripert.

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