Policy, investment and markets News for July 2015

Policy, investment and markets News Archive

Hillary Clinton announces a comprehensive climate change plan Hillary Clinton announces a comprehensive climate change plan

During her visit to Iowa State University Alumni Center, Hillary Clinton set ambitious goals to generate enough clean renewable energy to power each American home in the decade following her election.

WA solar proposal would reduce red tape and improve choice for consumers

A move by the Western Australian Government to reduce red tape for the solar industry and provide more choice for consumers is very welcome, the Clean Energy Council said today.

Clean Energy Investment Continues To Lag Behind Last Year

Two big European offshore wind financings, and a record quarter for investment in Chile, were among the highlights of an otherwise sluggish Q2 2015

Anesco and OXIS to release lithium-sulfur battery storage by 2016

In the UK, energy efficiency solutions company Anesco is now working with the award-winning battery technology company OXIS Energy, to advance the growing renewables market.

Renewable energy funding goes to town

Communities from inner city Glasgow to western Harris are set to benefit from £500,000 in funding for demonstrator projects designed to encourage the use and local ownership of renewable energy. A third of the projects funded are specifically focused on town and city areas, building on the already established trend for community ownership of renewable energy sources in more rural areas.