Wave and tidal energy News for April 2011

Wave and tidal energy News Archive

Next Welsh Government urged to promote wind, wave and tidal

Ahead of the Welsh general election, RenewableUK Cymru is calling on the next Government to implement policies promoting wind, wave and tidal energy.

UK ETI to bring down tidal array costs

The UK Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) is searching for organisations and consortia to design and demonstrate low-cost commercial-scale tidal stream energy converter (TEC) arrays.

MCT to build 10 MW tidal array in Wales

Marine Current Turbines Ltd (MCT) and RWE npower renewables have applied for consent to install a 10 MW tidal power array off the North West coast of Anglesey, Wales, in 2015.

MCT secures tidal power lease in UK

Marine Current Turbines Ltd (MCT) has secured a lease from the Crown Estate for four tidal turbines in Kyle Rhea between Isle of Skye and the Scottish mainland.