Photovoltaics (PV) Features for March 2012

Photovoltaics (PV) Features Archive

Report: PowerGen U.S. 2011 Report: PowerGen U.S. 2011

Renewable sessions were in evidence at 2011's U.S. PowerGen event, which took place in December, but the profile of wind and solar was less obvious. Drew Robb went along to find out more.

Wind and solar increase their share in the EU energy mix Wind and solar increase their share in the EU energy mix

The steep increase of wind and solar photovoltaics (PV), has been noted in the latest edition of the Strategic Energy Technologies review – the 2011 Technology Map – produced by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).

Comment: Is the end of renewables nigh at Fukushima anniversary?

In the run-up to the 11 March anniversary of the Fukushima reactor meltdown, the steady drip of anti renewables articles in the mainstream media was becoming a torrent as the nuclear lobby cranked up its public relations machine. And they're taking aim at European feed-in tariffs, no doubt because of their success. Germany is particularly in their cross-hairs because of its massive development of renewable energy over the past two decades and Germany's plan to close all its reactors for good.

What is the real cost of renewable energy? (part 2) What is the real cost of renewable energy? (part 2)

Which energy technology really is the most economical, cost-effective solution for the long term? In this second installment, we look at renewable energy cost examples, LCOE and the importance of taking risk into account.

What is the real cost of renewable energy? (part 1) What is the real cost of renewable energy? (part 1)

Which energy technology really is the most economical, cost-effective solution for the long term? And how do renewable technologies really stack up when compared to coal, gas and nuclear on cost? Gail Rajgor kicks off a new Renewable Energy Focus series by asking whether it is even possible to compare technologies on a truly like-for-like basis. And if so, what do we need to bear in mind?