The Norwegian developer and supplier of solar photovoltaic (PV) parks, Scatec, and the Chinese renewable energy company Sanhe Group have signed an agreement with Datang Renewable Energy Corporation.
The partners will build a Green Energy Farm in Taonan, in the province of Jilin, consisting of 100 MW wind power and 5 MW solar PV power. The solar PV power is part of China’s National Golden Sun Program.
2.5 GW of solar
SanSca and Datang have also signed an agreement for 2.5 GW of solar PV plants in the provinces of Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Ningxia and Sichuan in the period 2011-2016.
Under the agreement Sanhe Group and Scatec Solar will jointly develop the solar PV projects, while Scatec Solar will be the EPCI partner to design and build the solar PV plants.
“China is on the offensive when it comes to green energy in general and is emerging as the world’s most important market for solar PV systems,” says Raymond Carlsen, CEO of Scatec Solar.