Green Ocean Energy says its Wave Treader device will imminently secure Statement of Feasibility from DNV (Det Norske Veritas) - the internationally recognised experts in identifying and managing risk within the energy and marine industries. This is the first stage of a four part process which would see Green Ocean Energy become fully certified by the independent foundation, an accreditation which Green Ocean Energy says "no wave energy company has achieved to date".
The unique Wave Treader machine attaches to the transition piece of an offshore wind turbine to generate combined wind and wave energy, thereby significantly increasing the energy yield of the offshore wind farm.
George Smith, Chief Technical Officer at Green Ocean Energy said, “this is the first stage in an exacting but crucial process and we are delighted to secure initial accreditation for our technology. To date no other wave energy device has gone beyond the Statement of Feasibility. Our commitment to the full independent assessment demonstrates the importance we place on providing our future customers with complete confidence in Wave Treader. It also underlines our confidence in the machine and the ability of our team to deliver a high quality design.”
The company says it will now work towards achieving certification for the design and construction of its full scale prototype, completion of testing and the deployment Wave Treader at a commercial site.
The certification comes as an independent review of the company by renewable energy consultants, SgurrEnergy confirmed that Green Ocean Energy is on track to "successfully achieve commercialisation".