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Surface Power launches solar hot water panels

Surface Power has launched its solar hot water panels saying they are more efficient than similar products on the Irish market.

Independent certification by TUV Rhineland has shown that when compared to other leading solar panels Surface Power’s panel was in one case as much as 131% more efficient in morning and evening time and 76% more efficient at midday.

Surface Power estimates that the product has the potential to reduce domestic and commercial hot water bills by up to 70% if insulation standards meet new building regulations.

Surface Power founder John Quinn, says: “Our solar panel has been compared to 52 other collectors which hold the prestigious Solar Keymark certification and the results of the comparative testing are excellent. The biggest difference that was achieved in comparison results was that against flat plate collectors.”

The solar panel is a hot water type designed specifically for the retrofit market although it is also suitable for new builds. It was designed to deal specifically with Irish climatic conditions such as wind, rain and cloud.

“The market for the solar collector was worth in excess of one billion dollars in 2008 and has grown by 300% since 1998. We received over 400 enquiries from the USA alone last month after the specifications were released during the Christmas period,” says Quinn. “We also expect the international home renovation market to be very strong during the next three years.”

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Solar heating and cooling