Pat Neve, Senergy’s Director for Asia Pacific, says: “Senergy is well placed to capture opportunities in the embryonic geothermal market. We have extensive experience of advanced drilling techniques including coiled tubing drilling and managed pressure drilling in a range of on and offshore environments such as HPHT, deepwater and hard rock drilling.
"We are also able to capitalise on our invaluable wealth of experience working in the UK Continental Shelf, particularly in Scotland’s North Sea.”
Kris Johnstone, Head of the Team, adds: “By the very nature of its geology, Australia is perfectly situated to have one of the most active geothermal sectors in the world. We expect to see the geothermal market grow over the coming years and are committed to expanding our own specialist team in support of this increased activity.”
Currently 12 geothermal wells are planned in Australia. These wells are drilled to depths in excess of 4500 m and temperatures in excess of 200°C.