The REpower 3.XM wind turbines for the 148.28 MW Geycek wind farm in Kirsehir, east of Ankara, have a rated power of 3.37 MW and a hub height of 80 m.
REpower will be in charge of service and maintenance for the wind turbines over the first 12 years of operation.
The wind turbines are set to be delivered in summer 2011 and to be commissioned in the subsequent months.
Per Hornung Pedersen, CEO of REpower Systems AG, says: “Turkey is a wind market with huge potential – experts are speaking of volumes of up to 20,000 MW – which has however barely been tapped so far.
“Turbines with a generating capacity of almost 1000 MW are already in operation there. In addition, the Turkish Government has announced that it is going to revise the procedures for granting licenses and the remuneration system for renewable energies in 2010.”
Eric Scotto, CEO of Akuo Energy, adds: “We are very proud to announce the beginning of the construction of our largest wind farm in Turkey. This project will be one of the largest in Europe…”