The wind turbines will be installed in Mau Son, close to the Vietnamese-Chinese border, commencing mid 2010. Starting with 30-50 MW per year, Mau Son could be Vietnam’s largest wind farm project with a value in excess of €200 million (US$298 million).
The wind turbines will be built in nearby Beihai, China, where Avantis operates a joint venture manufacturing capability with local partner Yinhe. A service station will be built close to the border.
In addition to the wind turbines, Avantis has also signed a 10 year agreement with the Thanh Tung Group, to provide full service and maintenance to the wind farm project.
The Avantis wind turbines are direct drive with a water-cooled permanent magnet generator and other water-cooled equipment. They are designed to have low maintenance needs, and their 92 m propellers have been designed to withstand class I storm loads, and can withstand the areas seasonal typhoons.
The Than Tung Group also operates hotels and resorts in the Mau Son area and is active in real estate, renewable energy, breweries and industrial operations. Based on the present contracts, the group will also represent the Avantis group in Vietnam in the future.