Libra Energy's new offerings consist of the following: a 250w, all-black solar panel module from Solvis. Marketed under the brand name Zorro, these full black, monocrystalline silicon modules boast industry-standard features and are fully certified and guaranteed.
The second new distribution partnership is with Energeno includes its Wattson Solar Plus smart energy monitoring system. According to Energeno, the units show how much power the PV system is generating and how much is being used on the same display. The display shows electricity being generated and used in the home in real time, in cost, watts or kg carbon saved.
The third new distribution partnership for 2015 is with Solis, for its new inverters featuring low start up and greater flexibility. The Solis Mini 700-2000w single phase inverters are the latest generation innovation from Ginlong Technology. According to Solis, the units boast more than 96% maximum efficiency and feature an ultra-low voltage start up, precise MPPT algorithm and controlled PWM inverter technology. It also offers numerous monitoring options including via RS485, WiFi and GPRS interfaces.
“These additional brands complement our existing range perfectly, offering an even greater selection of components for solar PV installers," said Paul Bradbury, of Libra-Energy. "We’re particularly delighted to have our own-brand range of solar PV panels (the Zorro range). These are excellent panels – functionally and aesthetically – and will meet the needs of many installers at particularly keen prices for a European Module.”