Together with its solar developer partners, Solar Flow-Through submitted 126 project applications for OPA contracts in January 2013. The applications totaled approximately 37MWdc. All projects submitted were commercial rooftops and were 600 kWdc or less (Small FIT), which is the limit set by the OPA for this round.
FIT contracts are awarded by the OPA based on the OPA's Priority Points system for each project application. In order to increase the number of Priority Points for its projects, Solar Flow-Through partnered with two First Nation bands as well as one of Ontario's largest community co-ops.
The OPA has stated that its objective is to issue contracts by the end of March 2013. Solar Flow-Through says it intends to develop all projects submitted to the OPA that receive contracts using 20% equity and 80% debt. In addition to the 126 projects submitted by its partners, Solar Flow-Through intends to obtain economic interest in other solar developers' Small FIT projects that receive contracts from the OPA in this round, the company added.
The OPA has stated that submissions for contracts for projects in excess of 600 kWdc (Large FIT) will occur later in 2013. Contracts will be awarded for these projects based on Priority Points again. Solar Flow-Through intends to leverage its existing strategic partner network of solar developers, First Nation bands and community co-ops to apply for contracts in the Large FIT round later this year.