“From listening to our current and potential customers many have inquired about having a one-stop international solution to administer their PV recycling needs” said Jennifer Woolwich, CEO of PV Recycling. “In response we have explored various options and chose to begin with coordinating efforts between the North American and European markets.”
A number of drivers are behind manufacturers' needs to recycle panels. Aging solar installations, the inclusion of PV in Europe’s WEEE Directive, the development of solar waste regulations in the US, and the growth of large installations have lead to a need to coordinate recycling efforts between the two continents. This would include collection, handling and material reclamation activity, report the two companies.
“We believe working with CERES will decrease duplicative efforts on behalf of our customers, saving them time and money” she added. “Having compatible operations data will also assist the industry as a whole to analyse trends and present empirical evidence of its commitment to a truly sustainable industry.”