The new 60,000 ft2 (5600 m2) Whole Foods Market under construction at Legacy Place in Dedham will generate approximately 90% of its electricity, and nearly 100% of its hot water, using UTC fuel cell technology. This will be the second fuel cell system installed by organic grocer Whole Foods Market as an onsite power source. In March 2008, Whole Foods Market became the first supermarket in the world to generate most of its power with a fuel cell, installing a 200 kW UTC Power unit at its store in Glastonbury, Connecticut.
UTC Power will install, own, operate and maintain the PureCell® Model 400 phosphoric acid fuel cell system (based on the 200 kW system formerly known as the PC25™). The UTC power plant is also capable of providing standby power in the event of a grid failure, to allow the store to operate without disruption and to avoid costly food spoilage.
The fuel cell project was approved for a $400,000 grant from the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust Large Onsite Renewables Initiative (LORI), a program that awards grants for feasibility studies as well as design and construction projects for qualifying renewable energy systems greater than 10 kW.