
Hydrogenics well established in US fuel cell bus programs

Canadian-based Hydrogenics has sold another HyPM HD fuel cell power module as part of the US Federal Transit Administration’s National Fuel Cell Bus Program. Serving a project under the Northeast Advanced Vehicle Consortium, Hydrogenics was selected by being able to offer a flexible and cost-competitive module with a proven track record.

This is Hydrogenics' third project under the auspices of the FTA's National Fuel Cell Bus Program (NFCBP). The Canadian-based company is the only fuel cell supplier with awards that serve all three regions – the Northeast Advanced Vehicle Consortium (NAVC), serving the northeastern US; the Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) in Atlanta, serving the southeast; and Weststart-Calstart, serving the West Coast.

Hydrogenics is well positioned to become a leading provider of zero-emission, domestically fueled power solutions for this important target market. The company is a globally recognized developer and manufacturer of hydrogen generation and fuel cell products and services, serving the growing industrial and clean energy markets worldwide.

Hydrogenics showcased its fuel cells at the recent NHA Conference & Hydrogen Expo in Columbia, South Carolina as part of the Proterra EcoRide zero-emissions transit bus. The Proterra bus, which will serve the southeast region of the NFCBP, utilizes two Hydrogenics fuel cell modules.

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