Batteries, molten salt for concentrated solar power (CSP) projects, and creative distributed storage applications on the customer side of the meter are being tried and tested in strengthening the grid, Frost & Sullivan says in its latest briefing. Meantime, despite losing its first place to other clean sectors, green energy still abounds with opportunities.
“Even manure green energy segment may become interesting for VC/PE investors as new technologies and solutions emerge from the labs and testing grounds,” says the firm’s Renewable Energy Programme Manager Alina Bakhareva. “It is important to highlight that with roll-back in government R&D funding and feed-in tariffs, only those sectors identified as holding strategic long-term opportunities are safe to enter.”
Investors will also need to continue to consider new geographies as part of their strategy, Frost & Sullivan stresses. More countries are introducing targets and goals and enacting support mechanisms for green energy and energy efficiency. “China, India and Brazil - followed by other counties in Asia, Latin America, and Africa – will all see more projects.”