Solibro's solar modules achieve an average efficiency rating per module of around 10%; the peak values are in excess of 11%, Q-Cells says.
"The potential of Solibro's thin-film modules lies in the combination of high efficiency ratings with extremely low costs per watt. After we successfully implemented this potential in mass production as well, Solibro became an integral component of Q-Cells' thin-film strategy," says Dr Florian Holzapfel, member of the Executive Board of Q-Cells SE and Head of the New Technologies division.
Solibro GmbH was formed by Q-Cells and Solibro AB at the end of 2006 to commercialise a CIGS solar thin-film technology developed at the University of Uppsala. Mass production began in the third quarter of 2008.
The foundations for a second solar module production line were laid in Thalheim at the end of last year. It is expected to commence production at the end of 2009 and achieve full capacity of 90 MWp after about one year with a module efficiency rating of around 12%.