By Kari Williamson
Idermar Meteo, a joint venture between SODERCAN Group APIA XXI, the Environmental Hydraulics Institute IH Cantabria, of the University of Cantabria (UC) and the Helium Company, is developing a technology to provide installation and operation of offshore based meteorological mast projects for wind and related data.
Derek Doyle, UK Trade & Investment Director for the recent Offshore & Marine Energy Workshop in Bilbao, Spain, says: “The north of Spain is the focus for the development of marine energy and eventually offshore floating wind in Spain. British companies have the technology to take part in these important projects, and to do so need local partners for their execution. The scope for cooperation in these exciting projects is enormous, and the alliance between Narec Capital and Idermar launched at our UKTI sponsored Offshore and Marine Energy Workshop today is evidence that together we can tackle the challenges that the development of offshore wind and marine energy represent".