APFCT will integrate Acta’s hydrogen generation stack technology into the current APFCT electrolyser-based refuelling system for light fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), including fuel cell scooters. Thereafter, Acta will supply the stacks and related control electronics to APFCT for the production of refuelling systems.
APFCT selected Acta’s stack technology after successful evaluation tests were completed over the last few months, and following the supply of an Acta electrolyser and stack units earlier in the year.
‘Scooters and other LEVs make for an ideal application of fuel cell technologies, and APFCT’s hydrogen canister vending system overcomes the barrier of a local consumer hydrogen infrastructure,’ says Paolo Bert, CEO of Acta.
APFCT plans to expand production rapidly within the global scooter market, where currently over 50 million units are produced per annum, of which 75% are sold in China, India, and South East Asia.
APFCT is a world leader in the application of PEM fuel cell power generators to 2-wheel and 4-wheel light fuel cell vehicles. It plans to produce 1000 fuel cell scooters during 2012.
The company’s product range includes a low-pressure hydrogen storage canister system that allows users to swap used for full canisters through a refill vending system
Last winter APFCT fuel cell scooters completed a 280 km run in Taiwan to demonstrate their real-world readiness, which led to a project contract from the Taiwan Bureau of Energy to build a fleet of 80 fuel cell scooters for demonstration and validation.