By Kari Williamson
Southwest Windpower says the certificate is a precondition to apply for wind farm tenders worldwide.
Skystream 3.7 is an all-inclusive personal wind generator with built-in controls and inverter. It is a down-wind, direct drive, permanent magnet small wind turbine with a 12 ft (3.7 m) rotor.
The wind turbine has a capacity of up to 400 kWh per month in 12 mph (5.4 m/s) average annual wind speeds.
The Statement of Compliance from GL confirms that Skystream 3.7 meets the requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 61400-2:2006, Edition 2, "Design requirements for small wind turbines," which addresses safety philosophy, quality assurance and engineering integrity of the turbine, as well as complementary the GL "Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines," Edition 2003 with Supplement 2004, regarding verification of load assumptions and design.