By Renewable Energy Focus staff
The wind turbine radar mitigation system design and Part 1 Safety Case will be based on Cambridge Consultants’ Holographic Radar technology – and will hopefully enable the development of the great wind power potential in areas near the airport.
The holographic radar is a non-scanning, continuously tracking 3D radar that can discriminate between wind turbines and aircraft based on observable differences in their behaviour.
Craig Webster, Commercial Director at Cambridge Consultants, says: “Prestwick have gone to considerable lengths to bring all parties together, including competing wind farm developers, to work up a solution that meets the needs of air traffic controllers and allows wind farms to be built in their region.
“It seems so much effort is being expended in conflict between the wind energy and aviation industries, when this commission clearly shows that there are practical and collaborative ways to find realistic solutions.”
Anne Mackenzie, Group Manager at Infratil Airports Europe, which owns the airport, adds: “We are supporting holographic radar as it is a no-degradation solution that can operate at low level without loss of cover. Not only is it spectrum friendly, but its 3D plots also make seamless integration into existing radar displays easier.
“As a modular system, it should make the rollout of mitigation solutions for various wind farms more straight forward. The result of this work will be an essential building block for a robust mitigation strategy for GPA, in an environment where safety is paramount.”