The Observatory will also promote market transparency and harmonisation across the European solar PV market.
It is structured around three main recommendations:
- Sustainable support schemes: To avoid market stagnation or overheat, the feed-in tariff (FiT) levels must be adapted on a regular basis to integrate technological progress and increasing cost competitiveness of solar PV systems;
- Streamlined administrative procedures: The creation of a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all relevant authorisations is recommended tougher with the reduction of administrative lead times for solar PV; and
- Efficient grid connection process: The Observatory provides an analysis of grid access conditions, the possibility to transmit and distribute the solar PV electricity and of specific legal requirements related to the grid.
Although solar PV continues to rely on political support to achieve full competitiveness with traditional energy, the Observatory represents “an essential instrument to advise national and European decision-makers for the successful implementation of their support policies,” says Ingmar Wilhelm, President of EPIA.
“The European Photovoltaic Observatory of EPIA represents a key tool to inform about the sustainable development of PV markets and the industry in Europe as well as world-wide,” he adds.